Why Shouldn't Patricia Clarkson Show Off Her Boobs?
Here’s the thing about Patricia Clarkson: She doesn’t care about your rules. And by “your rules,” I mean the rules that say you can’t get nude on screen once you have hit a certain age.
In her latest movie Learning to Drive, Patricia Clarkson had no problem at all being topless or doing a sex scene. As she told Express, she had to do what her character had to do:
"I wanted all of that. I thought it was potent and sexy and necessary. This is a woman who has it all. My generation had a lot. We did not have the struggles my mother had. (My character) has a whole life but she forgot to take it in. She just forgot to look up and listen and to let somebody in. Yes, OK, her husband has an affair and walks out on her. That's never a good thing, but she is complicit. She has to re-think her life. She doesn't have to find a new self. She has to find a better self. It's a journey we can all relate to."
As a twist of fate, Patricia Clarkson isn’t actually much of a driver, like her character in the movie, which to lead to kind of an odd exchange between her and the interviewer when he asked if she carried about New York City naked. Clarkson replied:
She laughs: " Yes. That is a prerequisite. Whoever carried me, I must be naked. My God, the image of that on the streets of New York."
Honestly, I don’t know who came up with these rules about who can and can’t be nude on the big screen. If you are comfortable with who you are and you want to show it off, then why the hell not? Personally, it doesn’t bother me at all when Patricia Clarkson wants to be topless in a movie and it shouldn’t bother you either.
Via Express
For more nude pics and videos of Patricia Clarkson, head over to Mr. Skin.