Anyone Else Want to See a Punk Rock Taylor Swift?
Taylor Swift is probably one of the most well-marketed musicians and there is nothing wrong with that. She has a very recognizable look, which works to her advantage because everyone knows who she is. Plus, she’s got a great look, we all agree on that. But in this particular photo spread for Vogue, Taylor Swift appears to be channeling her inner Deborah Harry and I have to admit, I really dig it.
I’m sure Taylor Swift is only giving us a little punk rock icon sexiness for this photo shoot and only this photo shoot, but wouldn’t everyone love to see punk rock Taylor Swift? The bleach blonde hair (blonder, I should say), the bright red lipstick, the high-end thrift store sheik outfits that show off just enough skin to get you excited. The more I talk about it, the more I think the world needs a little punk rock Taylor Swift. She doesn’t have to write any punk songs, she could just some covers. I don’t know if she has the same vocal range as Deborah Harry, but she can pull of the look so she might as well give it a shot.
I know the next time we see Taylor Swift she will look like Taylor Swift. Though it always great to see Taylor Swift, part of my heart will now ache for punk rock Taylor Swift.
For more sexy pics and videos of Taylor Swift, head over to Mr. Skin.