They All Have Great Cleavage, but Julianne Hough's Cleavage Is the Best . . . I Think
Let’s cut to the chase and the question we are all thinking: Which one of the bikini-clad blonde beauties is Julianne Hough? I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Julianne Hough is in the all-white bikini because she appears to be the one holding the camera, and this picture was posted on Julianne Hough’s Instagram page. But, I could totally be wrong.
I know we should never assume anything, but I’m assuming that Julianne Hough is posing with her sisters. They look related, which, of course is the problem when trying to identify which one is Julianne Hough. Having looked at Julianne Hough’s cleavage many times in the past, one would think it would be easier to pick her cleavage out of a crowd, but not when the crowd looks like Julianne Hough. If these two lovely ladies are, in fact, Julianne Hough’s sisters, then the Hough family has some great genes. But if I had to take a pick on which cleavage belongs to Julianne Hough, I’m going with the cleavage in the front. Besides, no one puts Julianne Hough’s cleavage in the back.
I’m not saying I’m right, but I don’t think I’m wrong. And if I am wrong about whether Julianne Hough is standing in the front or the back, this is one of those times that I don’t mind being wrong.
Via Julianne Hough on Instagram
For more sexy pics and videos of Julianne Hough, head over to Mr. Skin.