Elizabeth Hurley Was Always Super Hot
If you have ever found yourself clicking on one of those “pictures of famous people before they were famous” links that are always going around social media, you might have been a little disappointed after clicking through everything. Hey, I know the feeling so, needless to say when I saw these pictures of Elizabeth Hurley before she was famous I was feeling pretty damn great.
Famous British photographer John Stoddart has put a couple of original photographs of famous people up for auction and included in the auction are two stunning beautiful pictures of Elizabeth Hurley. In one picture Elizabeth Hurley is decked out in some rather revealing lingerie and the other which is entitled “Elizabeth Hurley, nude, London 1990” (though I think a better name would be “Elizabeth Hurley’s bust on a bust”) features a completely nude Elizabeth Hurley showing off a nice amount of side boob and some nipple. Both pictures are quite stunning and really do highlight all of Elizabeth Hurley’s sexy features. So, if you would like to own one or both of these sexy Elizabeth Hurley before she was famous photos head over to Catawiki Auctions. The current bid for nude Elizabeth Hurley is $1800 and Elizabeth Hurley lingerie cleavage is $3500.
Yes, not only are these photos of Elizabeth Hurley incredibly sexy, but they are also a reminder that I totally should have got into photography when I was younger so I could taken sexy pictures of women who later become famous.
Via Daily Mail
For more nude pics and videos of Elizabeth Hurley, head over to Mr. Skin.