To Be Fair, Bella Thorne Would Look Great In Any Style of Bikini
Using polka dots as patterns in clothing can be dated back to a 1867 Frédéric Bazille's painting (“Family Reunion”), which depicts two women in blue polka dot dresses. It also has some roots in the famous polka dance, but I would say that the polka has never looked better than when on a bikini worn by Bella Thorne.
Typically I find polka dots rather annoying, that might be because whenever someone wears a polka dot anything I find myself staring at it constantly. Though in this case it doesn’t matter that Bella Thorne is wearing polka dots, I would be staring regardless. She’s in a two-piece, how does one with a pulse look away. But I will say this is the first time I can remember seeing a polka dot bikini and not be annoyed by it. I don’t find it too childish, too random, too attention gripping, I find this bikini to be quite wonderful. The polka dots seems to accent Bella Thorne’s bikini body quite well. I never realized that little tiny circles would make Bella Thorne’s cleavage look better than it ever has before.
You know, maybe I should give polka dots another chance. Though I’ll never wear a polka dot anything, I don’t think they should go away. In fact, I think Bella Thorne should find a way to wear this polka dot bikini as often as she can… or any bikini for that matter.