No Shocker That Winona Ryder Is Still Stunning
It is no surprise to me that Winona Ryder went from rebel, outcast, misunderstood, slightly odd teenage hottie to beautiful and sexy grown-up. No matter her age or what role she’s playing, Winona Ryder is hot—that’s just a universal fact.
There was brief period of time when I think the majority of the country, if the not the world, had a crush on Winona Ryder. She was that quirky hot girl in every single Tim Burton movie or she was the trying-to-figure-out-what-life-was-all-about girl in every movie about 20-year-olds trying to figure out what life was all about. I’ll admit that I totally crushed on her for awhile and kind of still do. Winona Ryder might not always be in the front of my mind, but when I get a reminder, like her pretty amazing cleavage, I do think fondly back on her. I have a feeling that Winona Ryder will probably be cast in some darker roles—I know she has the looks to be the leading lady. If you aren’t sure, then by all means, take a few moments and stare at Winona Ryder’s cleavage—you’ll see what I see.
Hey, we all have crushed on the quirky, dark girl for awhile and none did it better than Winona Ryder. That’s probably because no matter what type of character she was playing, she was always super hot.
For more nude pics and videos of Winona Ryder, head over to Mr. Skin.