Considering the fact that his work has appeared in such like-minded venues as Nerve and Vice magazine, it's curious that we haven't yet posted anything about Naughty James (aka Craig Cowling, though his nom de guerre is eminently appropriate). Maybe it's because his work tends towards the obliquely sexy rather than the explicit—unless, of course, you're turned on by darkly humorous (and occasionally creepy) pictures of women rolled up in carpets or stuffed into suitcases, in which case you'll find certain material in his portfolio of particular interest. For the rest of us normal-minded pervs, however, his intimate portraits of girls- (and guys-) next-door in their underwear will do just fine.
Naught James: Portfolio (, via Sugarcut)
Previously: NYC Women by Jordan Matter, Clayton James Cubitt for Vellum, Bad Girls Hotel, Photos by Naomi Harris, Bailey+Rankin