Put Christina Aguilera in A Bikini in A Room and That Room Becomes a Shrine
The word shrine comes from the Latin "scrinium," which means case or chest for books or papers, as well as the Old French term escrin, also meaning box or case. A shrine is where one keeps an important relic or holy item so it can be worshipped. While I think Christina Aguilera might be in a bathroom, it looks more like a shrine to me because her bikini body should be worshipped.
I will honestly admit I thought Christina Aguilera was topless in this picture. I really had to get close to the screen to double, triple, quadruple check to make sure that she was actually wearing a bikini top. In the end, when I learned she was, I wasn’t really sad. Sure, a topless Christina Aguilera is awesome, but her bikini body is worthy of Epic Poems. Though she might actually be wearing a pink bra and matching bikini panties. It’s hard to tell exactly what she’s wearing, but that’s not really important. The important thing is we get to see her glorious body. Be it her bikini body or her undies body, it is a sight to be seen, loved, and worshipped.
Whether it’s a bathroom or not, if it contains a bikini clad Christina Aguilera, then it automatically becomes a shrine of sexiness.
Via Christina Aguilera on Instagram
For more sexy pics and vides of Christina Aguilera, head over to Mr. Skin.