· If you've been on the I-5 in Seattle lately, yes, that is Bettie Page flirting with you from the side of a house. The least you could do is wave back. (seattlest.com)
· Verizon Wireless actually has a list of 83 words that you can't use on their mobile internet service. What's wrong with "fleshpopsicle"? Related: 1,000+ words you can't put on an NFL jersey. (Valleywag + outsports.com)
· A Japanese company claims to have invented chewing gum that creates natural breast enlargement. That would certainly double someone's pleasure. (b2upspain.com, via euroweeklynews.com)
· Speaking of enlargement: Your penis is too small. But that's okay because someone in your email wants to help make it bigger - and "if you have a big penis you'll tend to feel good about yourself." You don't say? (theage.com.au)
· The mayor of Clearwater, Florida, is not happy about this Hooters billboard, even though the joke went over his head the first time he saw it. Hey, don't take it out on the sign, just because you didn't get it. (adrants.com + sptimes.com)
· No, porn foley artist is not a real job - but it probably should be. (YouTube, via Gawker)
Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives