Are you ready for some more hot porn video uploading action? Too bad, because is here to take on all the other challengers in the overflowing "video porn upload sharing embedded clips show" market. The good news with all these new sites is that the video quality does seem to be improving, and more selection is never a bad thing. The bad news is that everything is constantly in "development," so good luck finding any help when you run into the inevitable glitches (like the fact that the code these guys provide for embedding videos doesn't work). Without even an email address to complain to, we guess we'll have to use this forum to shame them ask them politely to fix it. While you wait for that to happen, you can still watch a clip of Fleshbot fave Belladonna sticking a baseball bat where the sun don't shine. Luckily, her ass has been out of beta for at least a few years now.
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Previously: Shufuni: Yet Another Porn Video Site, Flesh Flicks: Welcome to Haporn,, YouPorn Beta, YuVuTu: Adult Amateur Videos, XTube, PornoTube