If our carefully measured one-a-day dosage of sexy video clips just isn't enough for you, we're sorry; we've purposely hold ourselves back so that you don't become chemically dependent on embedded smut. The people at Slut Addict, however, have no such qualms and are perfectly willing to be your enabler as you gorge yourself on porn. Like a TGP gallery for videos, they pull in clips from sites like PornoTube, YouTube, Dailymotion and elsewhere, collect them all on the front page, and then pump them directly into your veins. They even allow you to break the clips down into blowjob, lesbian or straight sex, so that you get just the fix you need. Think of it as Flesh Flicks on steroids, but without the pithy commentary and insightful analysis (which is totally why you read those posts, right?)—or maybe like a "Clockwork Orange" minus the eye restraints. If you think you can handle it go right ahead, but when you become a slobbering, strung-out video junkie don't expect us to host your intervention.
· Slut Addict (slutaddict.com)
Previously: Flesh Flicks Archives, Emergency Porn, Fantasti.cc Videos: Community Rated Smut, ScripTube: Build Your Own YouTube Clone, Eroshare, Splutr: More Social Porn