In a monumental disaster for lovers of free porn—in other words, everyone—online hooligans took down video sharing site XXXUploads over the weekend, resulting in the loss of all of their content. All the blowjobs and threeways and rabbit fucking clips ... gone. The site has already started work on the long, slow process of rebuilding its inventory, but thousands of dirty clips have forever been lost to the digital gods—and for us that means a good deal of our Flesh Flicks archives are now obsolete. We apologize for any broken videos you may encounter while trawling our archive, but try not to take your frustrations out on your poor laptop. The best thing you can do at this point is remain calm and keep sharing your own videos with the world—otherwise the hackers will have won. We'll never understand what kind of sick monster would take joy in robbing the world of porn, but we think there's a special place for them in interweb hell, where miscreants are forced to watch blinking text, click endless pop-up ads, and wait for bad MySpace layouts to load for all eternity.
· XXXUploads (
As as a sign of solidarity, here's a lesbian sleepover to get the ball rolling again.
Upload More on the hackery @ :"Online Jihad: Porn site hacked on Easter Sunday"
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Previously: Flesh Flicks Archives