· Laugh now if you will, but don't be surprised if you really do see porn movie titles like "Ocean's Twelve Inches", "Double-Team America", and "The Day After You Swallow" on the shelves of your favorite video store very, very soon. (Lindsayism)
· Here's everything you need to know to make your own dirty gingerbread cookie set to leave under the tree for Santa this year. Is nothing sacred? (porn-bread.com, via Boing Boing)
· We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate a traditional Irish Christmas than with a CD full of classics like "Danny Boy", "Jingle Bells", and hot hardcore threesomes. So what's all the fuss about? (The Sun UK)
· Can't wait to see Lindsay Lohan take it all off for Playboy? Don't hold your breath. (femalefirst.co.uk)
· Good thing Jenny McCarthy has no such scruples. What a trouper! (attulikesjenny.blogspot.com)
· We always knew Sin City contract stars Hannah Harper, Aurora Snow, and Shay Sweet were downright angelic, but now it's official: check out "Sin City Angels", coming to a dirty comic book store near you. (Hardcore Gossip + eroscomix.com)
· It's bad enough you can't smoke in bars; now New York City is cracking down (again) on sex in gyms and gay clubs. What is this world coming to? (New York Blade)
· Finally, take some time this weekend to reflect on the glorious mystery of the Christmas season: three nipples, two turntables, and one paraplegic DJ priest. (QuickTime video @ Transfatty, via Screenhead)
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