So yeah, right now probably isn't the best time to be starting your own new porn video sharing site: while there's certainly enough room for a few more to enter the market, the salad days of free video upload services (which, let's face it, are built on other people's DVD and web clips) may soon be over now that certain heavy players in the adult business are getting all lawsuity. But that won't stop us from checking out sites like The AdultTube and PornHub while they still exist! (Can we get some more creative site names though?) Nothing lasts forever, of course, so live every day watch every video like it's your last.
· "secretary gets fucked" (
· "Blonde gets titsfucked" (
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Previously: RedTube Rising, T'nA Flix: Still Another Porn Video Site, Sexy Videos @, ScripTube: Build Your Own YouTube Clone, XXX Uploads: Still Yet Another Porn Video Site, Shufuni: Yet Another Porn Video Site, <a href="
-flicks/flesh-flicks-welcome-to-haporn-222920.php">Flesh Flicks: Welcome to Haporn,, YouPorn Beta, YuVuTu: Adult Amateur Videos, XTube, PornoTube