Have you ever noticed that despite the fact that people buy, sell, collect, and exhibit all those postcards you come across in online galleries like this one, no ever seems to get one in the mail anymore? In our entire life we think we've sent and received maybe five postcards in total, yet the postcard industry continues to thrive despite our indifference. Perhaps that's because the business has always thrived on the type of folks who simply add pictures of naked women to their glossy paper stock and call it a day. This French site chronicles the time-honored traditions that have sustained the postcard industry for decades ... and proves our theory that anyone who's interested in collecting these things would never even think of putting a stamp on them anyway.
· Popcards.fr - Sexy Folies (club.fr, via Bedazzled! Blue)
Previously: Vintage Girly Magazines: Now In Blog Form!, Paris Hollywood's Vintage Pinups