Taylor Swift's Panties Exposed Mid-Concert
Apparently, performing in front of a live audience is literally what blows Taylor Swift's dress up. That, or the young country singer is hoping to pay homage to Marilyn Monroe—but either way, we get to see panties (and, uh, a lav mic), so we're pretty stoked. More »
Eric And Sookie Are Fucking In A Winter Wonderland
We all know that vampire blood is an awesome aphrodisiac/hallucinogenic, but we had no idea it was a portal to Narnia. Apparently, neither did they! Sookie asks, "Why is there a bed?" Silly question, Sookie. More »
Imagestash: A Thingy To Help Collect Porn
Some clever redditor came up with a bookmarklet called Imagestash, and it just might change the way we handle pornographic images on the web. Now we're going to start hoarding them like greedy smut trolls! (Because we're totally not doing that already.) More »