If someone works as a cam girl, and performs sexual acts on camera for clients, can the resulting video really be referred to as a "sex tape"? Apparently it can—at least if your name's Michelle "Bombshell" McGee.
Yes, the tattooed pinup who had an affair with Jesse James was reportedly also drawing some income from very sexy cam chats. We can't say we're all that surprised—if you're a topless model who openly says she does cam chats, doesn't it pretty much follow that your cam chats might get, well, sexual?
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we'll be getting a peek at Ms. McGee's prowess any time soon—the model's manager is threatening to sue anyone who releases the video (and you know what that means: it's probably be really frickin' good).
· Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee sex tape? (nudography.com)