Remember that sleeveface trend that was popular for a while? Jasper Goodall's "Poster Girl" is a bit like that—only with fetishy paintings replacing the record sleeves, and latex-clad beauties instead of ordinary people.
Or, if you prefer to avoid using internet memes as analogies, here's a section of the artist's statement:
Poster Girl is a series of works by influential graphic artist Jasper Goodall, that explore themes of fetish and fantasy. Whilst the work itself can be seen as erotic art, it is equally about looking at the world of fetish and erotica with an appreciative yet critical eye. It is erotic art but it is also about erotic art - the images are a result of Goodall's musings on erotica and sexual fetish.
Either way, we think it's pretty hot.
· Jasper Goodall (, via