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Chinese Man’s Boner Gets Him 15 Days In Jail



When you work a thankless job like digital advertising, the chances of making a boner increase exponentially with each passing day. One Chinese man discovered this the hard way when his boner just happened to be projected onto a stadium screen for all to see. 

According to the NY Daily News (link below), the posting of pornographic material onto the screen of Maryland Stadium in Lanzhou last September earned this guy 15 days in jail. And just to clarify, the word boner here does not refer to an erect penis, or at least not his. 

Pedestrians walking past were stunned to see the pictures of entirely naked men and women demonstrating several sexual positions, News 163 reported Thursday.

The obscene material, however, was only displayed for about 12 seconds before it was taken down.

But quick-thinking passersby snapped their own photos - which quickly went viral.

The screen operator was this week jailed for 15 days and ordered to pay a $485 fine, according to 9News.


How many an honest boner has been felled by the old "quick-thinking passersby?" If it wasn't for the old quick-thinking passersby, I'd still have that lucrative job handing out flyers for Cruisin' Chubbys.

Via NY Daily News