Which Kind of Iggy Azalea Cleavage Is Your Favorite?
We often pay a fair amount of attention to Iggy Azalea glorious rump, and rightly so—it is quite a wonderful rear end, but have you taken a look at her cleavage recently? Man, that’s some pretty awesome Iggy Azalea cleavage if you ask me.
And what better way to fully explore the awesomeness of Iggy Azalea’s cleavage than with three pretty awesome examples? Yes, I’m aware there are four pictures, but one of the pictures is all sideboob (which is great, but doesn’t really count as cleavage). Personally, my favorite has to be Iggy Azalea cleavage that was created thanks to the help of a hand bra. Sure, you could argue that there is very little cleavage and more underboob, but I say hand bra beats every other type of lingerie, so whatever kind of cleavage or underboob it creates, it will always win. The single cleavage created by the dress is nice, but one-boob cleavage leaves me filling half full. And layered-open-top-dress-and-tank cleavage is nice, but I would dare to say that’s your normal everyday, run-of-the-mill cleavage. There’s nothing wrong with normal, everyday, run-of-the-mill Iggy Azalea cleavage, but compared to the others, it comes in a strong third, in my humble opinion.
All three examples of the Iggy Azalea cleavage examples are wonderful. Each of them has a quality that makes them great in their own way. So take a moment and enjoy some Iggy Azalea cleavage before going back to the backside.
For more sexy pics and videos of Iggy Azalea, head over to Mr. Skin.