Tank Top and No Bra, JoJo Knows How to Keep Cool
If you’ve been living through a cold winter, that first day of sunshine and warm weather can really throw you for a loop. Same can be said for traveling from cold to warm. But in the case of JoJo, I think she’s adjusting to the warm California weather just fine. I mean, she’s a tank top and just a tank top, no bra underneath as an extra layer of warmth.
Granted, no one of us has any idea if JoJo was coming from a cold place to warm place, but on her Snapchat account, she mentioned something about MA and if memory serves correctly that is the official state abbreviation for Massachusetts. And being a Northeastern state, the odds of it being cold are rather high. Thanks goodness JoJo didn’t pack her winter coat, her warmest sweater, or her bra. I guess, to be fair, she could have taken all of that off while on the plane. I know airplane bathrooms are tiny, but I think JoJo could pull it off. Also, don’t JoJo’s boobs look gigantic? I don’t know if the tightness of her tank top, the light of the sun, the fact we can see her nipples, or the angle of the camera, but damn, JoJo’s boobs look huge.
JoJo may say she’s a Massachusetts girl at heart, but I think we can all agree that she could totally pull off being a California girl if she really gave it a try. Either way, I hope she enjoys the warm weather.