Keep Posting Bikini Pics and Torrey DeVitto Will Seal the Deal
Whenever anyone hears the last name “DeVito” our mind strays to the movie Twins, which stars the lovable, comic genius Danny DeVito. Sure, his last name only has one "T", and they are not related in the slightest, but if Torrey DeVitto keeps posting bikini pics on Instagram, then she is probably going to become the first DeVito we think of. Also, it would help if they did a remake of Twins and had Torrey DeVitto star in it.
If you are wondering why, of all the Danny DeVito vehicles I could have picked from, I picked Twins, I'll just say this: Have you seen that movie? It’s freaking great! But that’s not really the point. Don’t spend your time worrying about what Danny DeVito movie is first in my head when you should be paying attention to the rather amazing cleavage of Torrey DeVitto. Seriously, she knows how to pick out the perfect bikini. I also feel like we should give her some bonus points for finding a way to look hot in huge, wire-rim glasses. I get that that look is a thing now – oversized Mom glasses – but normally people look like idiots when they wear them. Torrey DeVitto is really pulling it off. Then again, it might be because she’s in a bikini. Bikinis make everything look just a little hotter.
Still, if Torrey DeVitto is looking some her next film project, why not show her funny side. I’m thinking Torrey DeVitto and Gwendoline Christie got together at last, playing twins made in a lab. Though in a bikini scene or two and you’ve got a box office hit.
Via Torrey DeVitto on Instagram
For more sexy pics and videos of Torrey DeVitto, head over to Mr. Skin.