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Porn Detective: The Not-So-Mysterious Case Of Katie Fey’s Hardcore Doppleganger


2008_03_11_katiefey.jpgSince a big part of what we do here at Fleshbot involves looking at porn all day (o.k., it's pretty much all we do), it's natural that we frequently get emails from readers asking us to identify such-and-such a performer in an anonymous video clip or inform them whether a certain model they stumbled across has appeared in other venues. And as much as we'd love to claim we know everything there is to know about every single person who has ever taken his or her clothes off in the histories of various pornographic media ... well sometimes we just don't. (Still love us?)

Sometimes, however, things are almost too easy to figure out. After the jump, read how we cracked the case of non-hardcore model Katie Fey spooge-covered double without even having to refill our cup of coffee. If only our jobs were always so easy.

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Dear Fleshbot,

Katie Fey is one of my all-time favorite porn models, but I've never seen any hardcore photos of her.

Recently, while perusing some thumbnail galleries, I came across this "Real Girlfriends" page. What caught my eye was the photo of a pretty cum-covered girl at the bottom right. It's Katie Fey! With cum all over her face!

The photo's not identified as Katie Fey, but when you compare to other photos -- like the ones here or here -- it's pretty clear that's the same girl or her twin sister! Oh . . . pardon me for a moment while I shudder and tremble at the delicious thought of two Katie Feys.

But I get more excited at the thought of photos of Katie in sucking cock to the ultimate resolution all over her face. If this cum-covered girl is indeed Katie, can you put the awesome powers of Fleshbot to work figuring out where the rest of this photo set is? My libido will forever be in your debt.

Desperate In DC

Dear Desperate,

We hate to break it to you, but as far as we've been able to determine Katie Fey hasn't done any hardcore material; given the fact that she's one of our favorite models too, we're sure we would've heard about it by now if she had.

There is, however, this clever piece of computer software you may have heard about: it's called Photoshop, and we've heard that some folks use to create convincing-looking photos of exactly the type that got you all hot and bothered. In fact, with a little bit of practice you can even learn to make them yourself!

So it looks like Katie's honor remains unbesmirched; sorry to break the bad news. The good news? With your own copy of Photoshop, you can besmirch her honor all you want.

Looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labor, we remain.

Faithfully yrs.,
xo Fleshbot

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Previously: Dysfunct's Fake Amateur Facials, How To: Make Your Own Facials, Celebrity JO Forums And Cumshot Pics: Where Sharing Is Caring, Got Cum?: Celebrity Cumshot Blog, Facial Forum, ArtiFacial