Unlike their later-week counterparts at the AVN Expo, the hard-working exhibitors of the Consumer Electronics Show don't have a built-in babe farm to help flog their wares (or their Wiis) and draw in prospective schlubs customers. That is why technophile business owners must rely on Los Angeles or Las Vegas-based modeling agencies for their booth girls (or, as the structures are called, chillingly, at CES, "pods").
Read more after the gap.
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Though they are overdressed compared to the women who will be occupying the convention space down the hall (CES and AVN overlap this Wednesday and Thursday), these women (representing Virtual Reality goggles concern Vuzix, Wii Remote loss preventer CamLeash, and Utah-based designer laptop sleeve concern Isis Dei) share some of the same concerns as their pornstar sisters.
"I do the best I can with these high heels," said Lisa of Isis Dei, "and standing on the shag carpet helps."
More than anything, though, rented booth beauties around Vegas have to deal with the buffoonery of the sales staff. Here a plucky tech model listens gamely to the endless shtick of a Slingbox rep. We tore ourselves away when he started inventing Q&A material from "Debbie in Dallas" (insert smirk, crickets).
· International Consumer Electronics Show (cesweb.org)