We love righteous indignation and hysterical overreaction as much the next group of porn connoisseurs, which is we enjoyed the recent dust up over at Ideal Bite, an email newsletter with daily tips on how you can help the environment. Last week, they sent out what seemed like a perfectly sensible eco-solution—get all your porn online and save all those magazines and DVD from the landfill. Makes sense to us. But a handful of their subscribers and blog commenters were livid over the mere suggestion that porn even exists, never mind that someone would try to help people to consume it more responsibly. Between the unsubscribe notices and "porn destroys worlds" manifestos, we appreciated the helpful reminder that not everyone thinks what we do here is so keen. Aside from the few good laughs it provides, it also keeps us on our toes.
· "Can getting your porn online save the world?" +" Preemptive Strikes" (idealbite.com, via laist.com)
· Thumbnail via BabesFight
Previously: The War On Porn: Your Tax Dollars (Not) At Work, Anti- Smut Activist Out To Destroy Save Porn, Porn Debate Raises The Bar On Public Discourse