We all had a lot of fun yesterday recounting the joys of masturbation, but its important to remember that the five-knuckle shuffle is a gift given to us by ... let's say, Prometheus ... and it's important to use that power responsibly. Since we are in the throes of National Masturbation Month, we think it's appropriate to share this cautionary tale of self-love gone wrong. Believe it or not, there is such a thing as too much wanking and hopefully if you ever find yourself on the wrong side of that line, you will have concerned friends and loved ones to bring you back. Until then, remember this cherished piece of wisdom that we tell ourselves every day during our legally-mandated six-and-a-half-minute coffee break: Just because you can jerk off, doesn't mean you should. Think about it.
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· "Intervention Masturbation Episode ** Banned by A&E **" (YouTube)
· JACK SHACK Sketch Comedy! (jackshack.com)
Previously: National Masturbation Month: A Hands-On Guide