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How To: Become A Porn Mogul (Again)



Remember when we posted about that incredible investment opportunity that would have turned you into a jillionaire by buying shares in an adult movie company? We still say it was an awesome idea that totally would have worked if it wasn't against the law. Fortunately, a commenter pointed out that there's more than one way to skin that cat and directed us to AdultVest, a community board/newsletter designed to bring adult producers and talent together with rich people eager to spend money. Is it on the up and up? Is porn a wise way to invest your hard-earned dollars? Can you really clean up by bankrolling dirty pictures? Who knows? But if your mutual funds and T-bills just don't excite you like they used to, maybe you'll want to give it a shot. A fool and his money may soon be parted, but XXX memories last a lifetime.

· AdultVest (adultvest.com; gratuitous voice greeting sound file warning)

Previously: How To: Become A Porn Mogul (Sort Of)