Despite the fact that we wholeheartedly support indie porn productions that make different looking smut, we can't help but roll our eyes a little when someone starts going on and on about "porn for women"—like men can't appreciate well-shot productions featuring sexy models who look (and fuck) like real people and not porn star caricatures? Snark aside, UK director Petra Joy's second film "Female Fantasies" looks so good we could eat it, or at least lick our screens: the action is hardcore, the performers look like they're enjoying themselves, and it's shot in an artful way that still doesn't prevent you from seeing everything you expect to enjoy in a porn movie. Whoever's fantasy it is, we're digging it.- AR
· "Female Fantasies" (; see also Petra Joy's "Sexual Sushi")
Previously: Preview: "The Bi Apple", Cream Productions' "JizzTank: The Legend", What Is Realcore?, HUMP! 2: Call for Indie Porn Submissions