Feel like a nice helping of intensely libido-wilting politics and moralizing with your sex today? The Italian QUANTO Project has just put up the results of their poster design contest, in which artists were asked to "explore the meaning of the word 'prostitution' both from a moral and a sexual standpoint"—which apparently means trying to incorporate the tried and true barcodes-as-pubic hair motif into as many designs as possible. The majority of the winners selected seem to have concentrated on the evils of sex tourism and nonconsensual exploitation; while there's still a handful of slick, sex-positive designs, the images are overwhelmingly harrowing in an ultra creepy negative-reinforcement kind of way. But wow, is the design ever good.-AR
· The QUANTO Project: Winners (quantoproject.com)
Previously: "Pink Box: Inside Japan's Sex Clubs", Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work, The Aphrodite Project, Sex Work Matters, Naked Ambition, Photos (and Films) by Mia Donovan, Virtual Sex Tourist, Rentboy Cruise