Everyone knows that the websites for fetish clothing designers are a gold mine for free smut (even though all those clothes get in the way a little bit), even if they aren't updated with the regularity of a porn site. Los Angeles fetish shop Syren has just revamped their website and has started replacing the "painfully outdated images" (their words, not ours) with new ones that include models Justine Joli and Natalie Minx ... and if that weren't enough, all of whom are photographed by master fetish photographers like a href="http://fleshbot.com/sex/photo/toe-and-arch-106886.php">Christine Kessler, Perry Gallagher, and Steve Diet Goedde. If we weren't so busy drooling over all the gorgeousness we might actually, like, buy something!
- AR
· Syren (syren.com)