Sure, any schlub can tack a calendar featuring a bunch of hot naked supermodels on the wall and call it a year, but it takes a special kind of person to mark the passing of time with twelve months' worth of nude midwestern librarians, Katrina refugees, or Russian bakery workers. We have a few quibbles with the criterea used to create this list—after all, we wouldn't exactly call sexy Italian golfer Sophie Sandolo "stupid", and the concept of naked female curlers is one of the few truly interesting things about the Winter Olympics this year—but then again, one man's meat is another man's poison ... or maybe we should say one man's Australian female soccer team is another's assortment of fine French cheeses. It's a big world.
Stupid Nude Calendars (, via
Previously: Even More 2006 Calendars, Still More 2006 Calendars, Hotties of Harm Reduction, 2006 Pirelli Calendar, Areaticino Calendario 2006, More Areaticino 2006 Calendars, EdelWeiss 2006 Nudes