However mainstream yoga may become in America, it may not ever fully shake that New Age stigma that makes some people shy away. The photography of Beat A. Von Weissenfluh (yes, we assume that's his real name), however, reminds us that yoga isn't just about strength, balance, and flexibility—it's also about creating better bodies for sex. And even if we're too lazy to devote three hours a day to learning how to do full-split handstands for our lovers, we can still admire these lovely images and practice some of the more arcane yogic, uh, hand positions: "gripping scorpion", "upward/downward dog", "stroking tiger"... you get the idea.A. Tolesco
Beat A. Von Weissenfluh Photography (
Previously: CL Erotic, Naked Gymnasts. Sexy Flexible Girls, Perfect Flex, Julia: Flexible Goddess, Bendability, Nude Sports, Met Art Series Galleries, Autofellatio Art Photos, Pole Tricks, Artflex