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“Daiajuki, The Xena Buster”



When a veteran smuthound like DCypher at Hardcore Gossip called this Japanese hardcore animated series "some of the best anime porn I have ever seen" ("Seriously. This shit is filthy."), you know we had to check it out as soon as we could—and even if we had some trouble viewing the trailers on the distributor's site at first, we think we understand why they're apparently the best-selling adult anime DVDs in Japan these days. (Whether you're able to view the trailers or not, you have to admit that anything with the title "Battle of the Lusty Nuns" has got to be choice stuff.)

"Daiajuki: The Xena Buster" (DVD series info, images, and [Safari/Firefox-unfriendly] .wmv trailers @ adultsourcemedia.com, via Hardcore Gossip)