Here at XCritic we have always firecly believed that it's critical for consumers NOT to steal the porn they watch. Porn piracy has blossomed into epic levels, so much so that they threaten the very fabric of the adult industry. This is why XCritic is one of the few publications to refuse to take any sort of money or advertising from tube sites.
While it may seem like no one gets hurt when you click that "torrent" button, or hop on that tube site, but the reality is there are many who work extremely hard to bring you the very best in adult entertainment, and you are literally robbing them of their livelyhood. These aren't major corpororate conglomerates or faceless entities, these are real people, who aren't rich, and who are just trying to make a living and pay thier bills.... JUST LIKE YOU!
Erika Icon addresses this issue in her latest blog: Why You Need To Pay For Porn.