For a releases to get our Highly Recommended rating, it has to not only be good porn, it has to be great porn, with stand out scenes, great production qualities, and compelling extras. We don't just recommend these films, we HIGHLY recommend them.
One of the latest titles to get this high rating comes from Airerose whose Pure 7. XCritic Reviewer John Boy says of Pure 7:
Pure 7 is directed by Derek Dozer and stars Goldie Rush and I highly recommend this movie. This was one hot flick and one I will be watching again and again...In addition to the great production quality of the flick, these girls enjoy getting fucked on film and it shows in each scene. The sex is organic and there’s great chemistry...This film was a pleasure to watch and it’s one you will enjoy.
Read our complete review for Pure 7 and visit the XCritic Review Database for more Highly Recommended releases that are worth picking up.