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Queenie Sateen Exclusive Interview: Curves to Forever Remember


Queenie Sateen Exclusive Interview

Don Juan DeMarko and his many years have seen porn stars come and go. These days, in the digital age of porn, they seem to be even more fleeting than ever before. Sure, porn offers some bucks if you have enough talent and are blessed with good looks or tremendous physical assets. But porn once upon a time was built on so much more. Performers like Nina Hartley not only had the talent to make pulses jump in front of a camera with a massive audience in a movie theater. They also loved what they did with every living part of their body and soul. Nina once told me she would go to XXX adult bookstores and read her porn. This was before you could buy VHS or DVDs. Now that is passion. This brings us to the new starlet Queenie Sateen. A performer who is more than a blast from the past, but a woman in this business for all the right reasons. Performer, actor, musician, and fashion wonder. This starlet caught my eye as 2023 began, and I have been trying like hell to get her in Don Juan’s domain. Not only to find out who this woman is. But to find out what drives a performer who many Hall of Fame legends in this industry would label a porn star right here. Supposing you are a lover of adult cinema. You know how much that statement truly means. So, without further adieu. Join Don Juan as he introduces you in a way that only he and Fleshbot can to the new wonder on the block, Miss Queenie Sateen.

Queenie Sateen: The Present Meets the Future


You can find reviews of Queenie Sateen's films a-plenty over at Fleshbot. Her work with TeamSkeet has been nothing short of game-changing, groundbreaking, unique, whatever you wish to call it. Every description rings proper, like the final chord of a guitar solo from Guns & Roses. She is more like a combination of Axl and Slash if you want to compare apples and oranges. Sateen Music is where she began her venture into the entertainment world. Believe it or not, the music world is far harsher on entertainers than XXX and ten times more cut-throat than porn. But this new starlet does now show or display any sort of “battle scars” from a world that people know so little of outside the performances. Queenie Sateen’s energy and pleasantness are what every performer told me who has worked with her stands out the most. Thus began my mission to get this beauty's phone number and find out who this woman is that is leading the pack as a favorite for Best New Starlet Nominee and much more come January. 

Queenie Sateen, how are you, my dear? I have been so looking to sit down with you to converse. You have no idea!
Thank you, Don Juan. I have been looking forward to this as well.

It has been a long time since I have had this nervousness speaking with a performer. It is a great thing. It is that feeling an artist gets when they meet their kin or industry brothers and sisters. It has been a joy researching you, my dear. My heart is aflutter.
Thank you for the praise. Thank you so much.

Queenie Sateen, a blast from the past and a whole lot more.

I loved listening to you go onto a couple of podcasts and discovering just how much sexual positivity you have within your being. It is incredible to meet a performer who loves sex and sexuality. It is much rarer than most people think in the adult world. 
Yeah, I don’t believe I realized that not everyone in the adult industry is a complete slut like I was? You know what I am saying. I came into this industry expecting the vibe to be much more different than what it is or what you deal with. My vibe is I am a slut, and I am also a performer. I love performing; I think that it is something that I can become good at.

Madam, let’s call a spade and spade, shall we? You have the potential to be great. I see that already within the way that you can perform. Your work with TeamSkeet will tell fans everything Don Juan speaks is true when they watch. 
Thank you. Yes, you are right. It is rarer than you think. most fans would never believe that there were porn stars that didn’t necessarily love sex.

As discussed earlier, how this business can change your life is strange. All in ways and times you do not expect. My story was that I had my eyes opened to so much in the business when I was in college. For instance, I saw so many men, who were gay, yet led straight lives because society frowned on them so much back then. It sent me on a lifelong journey to show people the wonders of sexuality and how it frees the human spirit and mind. 
I love that!

My dear, that is why I see so much surprise in the very things you are doing with your career and brand. 
Well, thank you. I appreciate that. You were texting me about the things you went through and experienced. I find you so incredibly fascinating as well. We do have a lot in common. So, you asked about my music background earlier, and I did not come from a family of musicians like you. There were not that many creative people within my family. So, I have always been the black sheep, at least regarding my family.

Wow, me too. I shared my story to build some camaraderie between us, but I see that we have even more in common than first thought. I love it, my dear! Love it! I am closer to my industry family than my given family. I have been in the industry for over a decade, and they are my kin. You all have become my brothers and sisters. I have met the most intelligent, strong, caring, loving, and down-to-earth people in the adult film industry.
This is something that rings so true with me as well, honestly. I have met more incredible, unique, intelligent, funny, and genuine people in this industry than in most places elsewhere.

Queenie Sateen in less than one year, has become one of the most sought after starlets of 2023.

Queenie, the first thing I had to ask, being a native New Yorker myself. After seeing your music stuff with Sateen Music. Are you first a native New Yorker yourself? Is this where you produce all of your music? 
I am not a native New Yorker. I grew up in South Florida. Close to Ft. Lauderdale. My parents died when I was really young. After they passed, I briefly went to Michigan to finish my pre-college education. As soon as I graduated, I knew I wanted to live in New York. So, I moved to New York right before I turned eighteen. I lived in New York for quite some time. Finally, I moved here, to Los Angeles, in August.

Damn woman, you are indeed an independent soul, aren't you? Again, one of the most beautiful things within this industry. The amount of fearless, independent woman that resides within it. You are proof, madam. You, ladies, are the most independent woman on fucking planet Earth!
It’s true. It is so true!

Strong women raised me, and thus being that we live in an era of the “Me Too” movement, where women are finally getting the fruits of equality as they should have years ago. It is so cool, as a writer, to show the world the strength that lies within the woman of the industry. Just like you, Queenie Sateen. I am blown the fuck away by the fact that you have only been shooting films within the industry for a few months. 
Yes! How many months ago was August? I moved here, and I got right to work. I shot my first scene in July. Then, I went back to New York. Then, I moved to Los Angeles. So, as of this interview. It has been a little over six months. I can tell you this, Don Juan. I love it even more than I thought that I would.

Curves for days, nights, weeks and months. That is Queenie Sateen.

Queenie, one of my goals with every model I meet is that you and I will quickly become chums. Whenever I meet a model with your massive potential, I help them with every ounce of my professional and personal being to not become jaded from this business, for when you do what you love for a living. It is straightforward to become tired, worn out and forsake the business forever. Do you know what I’m saying?
Oh, I know it well. That is precisely how I felt about music for a very long time. Working with Sateen. We are still together, but we are not actively working on music. We will release something very soon. But, in my active years in Sateen, within that relationship with my ex, it was always this struggle of being independent artists and not having industry support whatsoever.

Picture this. You have pop stars following your account on Instagram, and they are gaining all this inspiration from you. But, simultaneously, you are not getting additional support from the music industry. The support that they did as they rose in the ranks. If anything is going to make you jaded, that would be it. That, and being on the mood board all the time. You know what I mean?

Yes, I know exactly where you are coming from, homie. 
You feel like you are constantly spinning your wheels and never getting anywhere. Even when you are. You just do not feel or see it. Music was challenging, and my ex and I are still very close friends. But I just wanted to do something new. I wanted to make a significant change in my life. I wanted to work in an industry that would offer me support for all my effort because I give so much with everything I do. That is how I excel. That is how I work. I am a workaholic. I like to feel a sense of pride in everything that I am doing. Especially work. I am feeling great about this career shift.

The title of slut is one that Queenie Sateen wears proudly. As she should.

Yes, the biggest workaholics I have ever met exist within the business. Okay, for the Fleshbot fans, we must tell them how you got your start in the industry. 
How did this happen? Well, my career began how many modern-day performers' careers began, and that is with OnlyFans. At the beginning of the pandemic, during the big “gold rush” that was OnlyFans, we decided to jump on board, my ex and I. We were doing pretty well with our OnlyFans, and around that same time, the start of the pandemic, I also began working in another part of the adult industry as a stripper.

The way that our OnlyFans path was going. My ex was not into it, and I found myself stripping more and more. This led me to make an OnlyFans for myself. I said, “fuck it.” I like what I am doing on OnlyFans and want to keep this momentum going in many ways. That took me to Twitter, and I got involved with social media. I created my own Instagram. Believe it or not, up until that point in my life, I had never had a personal social media account. So much of this I was doing for the first time, and I was now doing it for myself.

From there, I met some girls who were a fan of my music and were already in porn and started sharing my OnlyFans with their friends and fans on social media. I forgot who it was, but from there, a couple of male talents in the industry started following me and asking me if I wanted to shoot with them, and they told me they could get me to work in porn. I told them, “I am down!” I figured, why not? I was already doing this for OnlyFans. So, Romeo Mancini put me in touch with an agent, and the rest is history, as they say.

Wow, there is much left for you to discover within the industry. I love it!
We will see what happens. I am excited about the future. Every month, I learn and discover something new in the industry. I do love being an independent bitch. But there are so many doors that are opening for me now. It is a lot easier to start if you have an agent.

This is such a great topic to discuss within the industry. You have such acting talent as a performer. As a sexual performer. Many performers question what they should do as they enter the industry. I would love to hear more from you on this subject.
Thank you again for such a compliment. I am very excited about all the potential that porn has as a medium. I look forward to exploring that more. Don Juan, when I moved out here to do this, I got an agent and said, “I am just going to work all the time.” I want to work with everyone, and I want to do everything. I wanted to be good at everything I did. I want to get good at things I may not be so good at. I have a “bank” of ideas. I have a saved folder on my phone of all the projects and ideas I want to work on while in the adult film industry. There are so many avenues that I want to explore and create within. I also see myself directing many things I do in the future. I am excited about getting some of that into the world.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High? No, this is something else. Something more.

What you are building with your brand is something that I have never seen before. Fans are going to eat everything up. Fashion, music, and porn. You offer a style that no one else has. 
Thank you again for that compliment. It means so much to me……I am searching for the best words to speak to my fans…..Don Juan, all I can say is thank you for seeing that. People don’t always see that at first glance, and that is because there are so many girls in the industry. I came into this industry a little older than most people. I am no “Spring chicken.” I’ve been in the entertainment industry for well over a decade. That is what makes your kind words so meaningful.

Once upon a time, the media’s job was to find people like you and shout to the high heavens that the fans can not afford to miss your performances as it benefits everyone in the industry. Especially the fans. I hope that I can begin to reverse those trends. As a man starting his own production company, I have learned that you can book someone with zero talent, and you don’t realize that in the industry until you have paid for a plane ticket. That is why things need to change. That is why it is so important to showcase who you are, Queenie Sateen.
Yes, making sex beautiful can be a challenge. Sex is ugly in the real world. I read your review for my TeamSkeet scene with Scarlett Alexis and Donnie Rock, and the only thing I can say is that I was shook! That review made me feel outstanding. I did not realize how much I loved acting until I started doing porn. It has become my favorite thing.

You, ladies, are never giving the credit that is due for making a sex scene. I once shot a ten-year veteran; the woman did not know how to make a sex scene. So I was like, whaaaaaaat? 
It does take a lot of patience to make a good scene. You are right; it does take talent too. It is more complicated than people think it is going to be. As female performers, it is the number one thing we want to educate our fans about. Many of these male fans desperately want to be in the industry at any cost. They may not enjoy it as much as they think they do. For Male talent, it takes work, and you must love performing. You do have to be patient. You do have to be physical. You are an athlete.

Have a slice of Queenie Sateen why don't ya?

Fans believe, and I am a person who thinks they deserve to be educated, that we are all just showing up on set and having one great big orgy. It is the furthest thing from that, is it not?
It is the furthest thing from that. It is not like they think it is at all!

My dear, this brings us to the next topic of our interview. I would love to talk about Girls Night. Homie, I love that production because, from the moment a fan presses play, you stay in character the entire time. I was beyond impressed. 
That was my first time doing a “free use” scene. I did not understand what the concept was, but I did my research beforehand. It was different to perform and not acknowledge that we are having sex in the traditional way that fans are used to seeing a porn scene unfold.

That is so funny. Fans always ask me, “What would you watch if you were not paid to watch porn?” The answer, Girl/Girl porn. As I am a butch lesbian in a man’s body. I am the decrepit old fuck in this industry who still just loves watching beautiful women. 
I love it. That is fucking awesome. I love Girl/Girl. Girl/Girl is fucking hot!

The look of a porn star on the move.

I loved you talking on podcasts about what you like seeing. Because the truth I have come to is that if a person loves watching two girls go at it. It has to be equally as hot for a female to watch two guys fucking one another. 
I mean, if you are a butch lesbian in a man’s body, I am your polar opposite, and I would say that I am a gay man in a woman’s body. I am not very close with my family. My family is a family of homosexual men and trans women. That is the circle that I have built for myself throughout my entire adult life. I think watching two men is sexy. I like pursuing gay guys. I am attracted to gay guys.

I hope that is not shocking or confusing for a lot of people. I am so steeped in gay culture. I used to work in gay nightlife for five years in New York City for Susanne Bartsch and Lady Fag. All these big New York City Gay Club promoters. That was my life Don Juan for a very long time. So, if there is any culture that comes first in my life, Even before my Puerto Rican heritage. I was born and raised in South Florida but identified with gay culture before anything. It is my culture. So for me, I do not think that I could have a straight partner. It would have to be someone bi or fluid. Gay in some kind of way. Someone who isn’t, I just don’t think, would understand me.

Oh, my God, I know just what you are talking about. I love dating bisexual women who have a lot of masculinity. I think you will be a person who understands why, especially when she has that perfect touch of femininity. 
I get what you are saying. It is that androgyny of it all.

Queenie Sateen reveals all in the latest Fleshbot Interview.

I group within a very masculine Latino culture. I have told my primos for years. The best fucking parties in the world occur at Gay clubs. They know how to fucking get down!
So, you said you are Spanish, Italian, and Apache. That is a fascinating combination, and you are more than suitable. The best parties are Gay! You knew, you knew! You were always woke!

Yes, ma'am, I certainly was. I was a poor boy from The Bronx. I knew where to get the most booze during a happy hour. Now, speaking of New York. You touched on this earlier. A New York Star, with Mike Mancini. That was your first starring role ever?
Yes, it was my very first.

I see this production. I see your page on Twitter. I think, “There is no way that this is all wardrobe, and hair and make-up people on set.” This has to be all you. 
You are right. You told me earlier that you loved my make-up from the TeamSkeet shoot with Mike Mancini. Thank you so much; that is my work, and I am very proud of it. Coming from the academy of being a “club kid,” I feel that is where I received my training, as you call it. That is where I learned to “beat my face,” as they say, and how to do my make-up the way you saw it in that TeamSkeet shoot. I learned how to do my make-up in various ways during this time in my life and career. That is where the “Queen” in me came out. Because I identified as a drag queen in so many ways. My Brazzers profile even states, “She was a drag queen.”

Now, if there is one that I have always loved, it is fashion. Fashion and music have always been a part of me. Singing, I have always loved it. But I once had a fear of it. With fashion, I have never had a fear of fashion. Fashion is my first love, and there is one thing I love most about fashion. It is being able to go out to a thrift store or a consignment store and try to find hidden gems. Then style them with a new look, and add that with hair and make-up. I was very, very DIY about it. Doing things myself, yet having the discipline and dedication like there was a team relying upon what I was creating and putting together. This has been so beneficial to the start of my porn career.

Past meets present. Present meets future when it comes to this starlet on the rise.

Oh my goodness, and how. That scene with Mike Mancini. That was one of the most beautiful, provocative looks I have ever seen on the TeamSkeet website. What you create, it adds to the erotica. 
I loved to style myself. I love to be outrageous. I think it prepared me for a shoot like the one you describe. I love to be able to walk around LA naked or wherever. It is just always what I have done throughout my life. That is the kind of content that was being posted on my Instagram a few years ago. If fans look back, you can see my progression. The TeamSkeet scene is the next progression. Who knows what you are going to see next? You may see me in a Dior thong bikini in the middle of a blizzard.

That is so fucking OG, dude! I love it! This is why I see your star ascending to the heavens so quickly. I had to discover this background within you because seeing it is so wonderful. 
You asked me, how much of this is me? All of it. It is one-hundred percent me. No matter if it is Sateen or the Big Cartel stuff you discussed. I have also always been into hyper-feminity, and it has brought me into this realm of porn, and I intend on making more than the best of it. It is a very fun place to be expressing all of that.

Curves to be remembered will soon become curves never forgotten.

I have been waiting to ask you this all afternoon. What does the word sexuality mean to you?
Sexuality to me is, …..wow, this is a great question. Sexuality is one of the most significant and essential parts of being alive. As a hedonist, I think that sex and sexuality are one of the most beautiful, incredible, and expansive parts of life. I genuinely believe that it is something that puts us all on the same spectrum. No matter who or what you think you are. One day, you may think you are one thing. Or, you may enjoy a particular part of sex and sexuality. Then, later on in life, you discover that you love or become something different. It is ever-changing. Constantly shifting, intangible, extremely difficult to place something that is a part of everyone.

What a great answer. I think that sexuality is something that we are still trying to unlock and understand. People like you will be the champions who open up people’s eyes in the digital age. I believe that. Porn, sex work, porn stars, and performers will be a massive part of humanity's change in the future. 
Do you know what I have realized about sexuality? It seems like, and I don’t know if this is because of religion seeping into everyone’s consciousness to the point where it is part of our culture and how we process our sexuality. People are most turned on by dangerous things or could be shameful and feel wrong. The whole concept of taboo. Its idea is that it is sexy because it is taboo. It makes me wonder how the Pagans processed things like desire and sexuality.

Curves, she is a lot more than that. Meet the new starlet of 2023 making waves, Queenie Sateen

The Romans, and this is something you can look up. When they brought home soldiers from massive wars and battles that raged on for years, it was time for them to rotate back into the civilized world. They were ordered to spend up to a year in a brothel. So long story short, they could have love put back into their hearts no matter who they got it from, a man, a woman, or both. If that does not cure PTSD, I don’t know what the hell will. More than that. It shows the wisdom of those Pagans. 
The fact is that being gay is so much more acceptable now. However, there are still so many people that feel shame about being gay, about being bisexual, about being trans. It is a very judgmental and homogeneous culture that we have in America. I hope my fans and everyone I meet in the industry understand that it is okay to be who you are.

Caring about what assigned sex someone has at birth and what they are now is something so basic; it just doesn’t matter; it doesn’t matter who you love. Don, it is so lovely to meet a fellow person who is not caught up in all this useless thought the world has about gender. Being binary, and all of the constructs of heterosexuality. I think, and this comes directly from me. Coming into this industry, I saw a lot of culture shock. I was around so many straight people for the first time. So, Don Juan, it is so cool to meet a fellow queer-minded soul who does not give a fuck about any of that stuff.

Something delicious is in store for you, when you indulge in all that is Queenie Sateen over at Team Skeet.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is new starlet Queenie Sateen. She is a woman who I think could be destined for a proper XXX coronation if she keeps up this pace within the industry. A rate that is the furthest thing from putting “quantity” as her calling card within the digital revolution. A porn star who loves sex. It is an idea that is not new to the world of erotic film, but I think it is an attribute forgotten by many who have stepped foot into this industry and found success. Old meets new. The future meets the past. You can use a lot of poetic symbolism to describe what Queenie Sateen is now, less than a year into her career. Imagine the possibilities with more performers like her in the business. An industry where we are no longer guided by the things that shock us but by the beauty that has existed for so long that we have chosen not to see. That is Queenie Sateen. That is the industry she is trying to usher forward, and mark my words, dear reader. She will do just that. Click this link below to see all her work with TeamSkeet. 


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