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The Water Sign Triplicity – November 2024


Hope, healing, and reciprocity are yours and things will feel more balanced for you!

Water signs welcome to your Fleshbot Weekly Lovescope: The Water Sign Triplicity!  A weekly relationship guidance horoscope or “Lovescope.”  If you were born under the sign of Cancer (June 21 – July 22), Scorpio (October 23 – November 21), or Pisces (February 18 – March 19), you are a Water sign, and this weekly love, sex, and relationship message will be for you!

Water signs, this is a time of hope and healing. The star is encouraging you to trust that your future is looking much brighter. You’re being encouraged to leave behind anything that no longer fulfills you or brings you joy to head off towards something that will be more in the interest of your highest good.  The star is a reassuring presence in your reading, indicating that any heartbreak or difficulties you’ve experienced in your love life are bringing forth healing energy, a healing that your heart truly needs.

The Water Sign Triplicity - November 2024

This is a turning point for water signs where you prioritize your growth over staying in a relationship that you have known for a while does not serve your highest good. I know things may feel uncertain, but moving forward you are being assured a new satisfying connection that will meet your needs like the one in the past no longer could.  While it’s important to go after what you want and need, you also need some flexibility and adaptability at this time. You may be spread too thin or juggling multiple situations, so you’re encouraged to balance these things so everyone gets equal attention in your life including yourself. If you embrace your inner strength and sense of internal balance, you will find yourself immersed in a love that aligns with your heart’s true desires.

Embody the confident, independent, and charismatic energy of the queen of wands as you step into your power! You know what you want now and you are not afraid to go after it! Take the lead in your love life and this will ensure that your deepest desires are met. When going through the period of introspection that awaits you, make note of where you feel discontentment or emotional detachment, and focus on recognizing the opportunities that surround you instead of those things.

The Water Sign Triplicity - November 2024

Overall, reciprocity is upon you when it comes to love, Water Signs. You’re going to feel much more balanced and equal in your partnership than you have in the past. Even if it means finding someone new who respects you and gives back to you the way that you have given when it comes to love. You are promised a time of feeling valued and supported where mutual effort will be the basis for your relationship! Does it get any better than that?

Here are some celebrities also born under the sign of water!

Katy Perry

Kendall Jenner

Selena Gomez

Celebrity images courtesy of MrSkin.com!  Check them out there to see more!

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