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The Earth Sign Triplicity – December 2024


Earth Signs Will Be Releasing Unhealthy Patterns and Preparing For A More Solid Foundation!

Earth signs welcome to your Fleshbot weekly Lovescope: the Earth Sign Triplicity!  A weekly relationship guidance horoscope or “Lovescope.”  If you were born under the sign of Taurus (April 20 – May 20), Virgo (August 23 – September 22), or Capricorn (December 21 – January 20), you are an Earth sign, and this weekly love, sex, and relationship message will be for you!

Earth sign, the devil has shown up first in your reading, which can indicate unhealthy attachments or codependency issues. It may also indicate Infidelity or that you feel trapped in your love life or in your relationship. The devil also reveals that there may be repeating destructive patterns going on in your life that could be draining you of happiness, freedom, and emotional energy. You don’t want to ignore the devil when he appears, we want to face him head-on just the way you were your biggest fears!

The Earth Sign Triplicity - December 2024

This heavier energy in your love life may have you feeling defeated.  It may bring forth disagreements and misunderstandings. You might also be coming up upon betrayal within your relationship.

Earth signs, you’re at a crossroads, and it’s time to look deep into your soul to evaluate all the decisions you’ve made throughout your relationship as well as past relationships. This is a time to awaken to the clarity that you’re being called to see so that you can release anything that no longer serves your highest good and become a better version of yourself in any relationship!

It’s time to walk away and leave behind anything that no longer leaves you feeling happy and satisfied. Anything that you know no longer serves your highest good. It’s time for you to be brave and leave it behind. Even if it means leaving a piece of your heart with it, unexpected change and upheaval is upon you, this could be finding out someone was unfaithful, or them finding out you were unfaithful. But remember Earth sign, everything happens for a reason! Yes, you may have something shocking and even scary ahead but what that’s making way for is happiness like you’ve never known.

The Earth Sign Triplicity - December 2024

Everything that’s happening is truly a blessing in disguise for earth signs out there because the Four of Wands has shown up in your reading and that is the most positive card one can receive when it comes to love. It signifies unhealthy patterns of the devil card being released and a strong foundation for lasting love falling into the empty spaces where they used to be.

Soon you’re going to be building a relationship that honors both of you with mutual respect and love and a strong foundation that will stand the test of time! Don’t be afraid to let go of what no longer serves you so you can have the best love that life can bring Earth Sign!

Here are a few celebrities who are also Earth Signs, just like you!

Tina Fey

Jessica Alba

Megan Fox

Celebrity images courtesy of Mr Skin!  Check them out there to see more!

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