Star of The Matrix franchise and any other movie where one man needs to save the world, Keanu Reeves had to deal with yet another random woman coming into his house. This time, the random woman stripped off all her clothes, took a shower, and then skinny dipped in his pool. Shower before you swim, does Keanu live at the YMCA?
Reeves was still dealing with the first encounter with a lady who broke into his house at four in the morning to read a book in his library. I was just as shocked as you are to discover that Keanu had a library. This time his random nude guest apparently found her way into his house by a gate that was left unlocked by the cleaning staff. The cleaning staff called Reeves, who I assume was saving the world, who then called police to once again remove a crazy lady from his house. I do find it odd that the cleaning staff called Reeves first. I mean, is it typical to have naked ladies wandering around Reeves manor? Also, how big is Reeves' house? The cleaning staff left the gate unlocked when they arrived, a crazy lady snuck in and took a shower, and no one noticed until she did a cannon ball into the pool? I don't know if the crazy lady did a cannonball or not, but I would assume that is what a crazy lady in Keanu Reeves' house would do.
You have to feel bad for the man. The day after a lady tries to steal his books, another lady takes a nude dip in his pool. The price you pay for saving the world, women throw themselves at you. Or as Keanu would say, "Whoa." Whoa indeed, Keanu. Whoa indeed.
Via Dlisted