Like every other site on the internet, Etsy started out as a place for folks to sell their wares, yet it has morphed into a hotbed of filth. Every week, we take a look at five of the best/strangest/craziest things available for purchase on the website.
Star Wars Lightsaber Dildo by DarkSideofPleasure
For all you guys out there that want to use the force
Large Pizza Vibrator Button 2.25" by GayHalloween
Because what's a pizza button without a large purple vibrator on it?
The Second Rudy Ray Moore Album "This Pussy Belongs to Me" by What Cheer Providence
Mature Kangaroo with a Pouch Full of Penises by cappysue
At least it's not an immature kangaroo with a pouch full of penises
Fetish mask for prop gaff display costume sex show domination by shrunkenheaddotcom
What the actual fuck? How would you even use this thing?