Getting tired of the nearly inexhaustible wells of smut that are Xtube and PornoTube? (We don't see how you could, actually, but hey—some of you might be even more insatiable pornhounds than we are.) With its generous selection of free hard- and softcore videos that's particularly strong on amateur and foreign content, the unfortunately named YuVuTu should keep your fingers pleasantly occupied for a while—or at least through the weekend. And if you should find yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel once you've worked your way through the 300+ clips currently on view, why not consider contributing a few of your own? (Or at least take a break from watching other people having sex for a while. Your fingers will probably deserve a rest anyway.)
· YuVuTu: The home of adult amateur videos (, via Touché Sexy)
Previously: Xtube, PornoTube, Veoh View: Canceled?, YouTube Babes, HotTube