Ghost Orgasms Are Out Of This World!
As we all know too well, finding love can be a challenge. All the bad dates, failed relationships, and one or two night stands that didn't lead anywhere can be real heart breakers. Yet, we all go on because we know there is someone out there just for us, but that someone might be already dead. I mean, it's worked out pretty well for 30 year old British spiritual adviser Amethyst Realm because she's going to marry a ghost.
I know it sounds too good to be true, but Amethyst Realm found a ghost who wasn't afraid of commitment. And hey, let's not get too down on ourselves for nothing finding anymore when Amethyst Realm gets to marry a spirit. We should all take this moment and think about our standards. Are they too high? Do they have to be in a career? Do they have to live close by? Do they need heartbeat? Yeah, maybe it's us, maybe we are the reason why we can't find love like Amethyst Realm. We really should be jealous about is apparently ghost sex is amazing. As Amethyst Realm put it:
“Sometimes I get the feeling that I’m being moved. Orgasms I have with my spirit lovers have been way more satisfying than any I’ve had with ordinary men.”
Hey, it's hard enough to find someone alive, maybe dead is the way to go. Though, I do wonder how the ghost hubby will be able to contribute to the rent and bills. The dead may not need food, but us living folks do. Also, I hope they give out EMF detectors at the reception.
via New York Post