There’s something going on right now, which could mean the end of porn. In case you live in a bubble and are unaware of this, it’s piracy. People are downloading porn for FREE aka pirating it. They are going to sites that have illegally acquired scenes and/or movies. Is this something you’re engaging in? I’ve got news for you—you’re putting the porn industry at risk.
The music industry went through the same type of problem with the incarnation of Napster. The mainstream film industry has also had the same woes and has imposed fines upwards of $100k for each illegal download. The porn industry is slow to catch on, but companies like Take Down Piracy are on the case and going after the mainly offshore companies who post scenes and entire movies, before the DVD even hits the streets for legal purchase.
There’s a reason that porn stars are asking their fans to pay for porn. It’s affecting their work and how much they’re paid for the scenes they do. Rates for their scenes have gone down. In the 1990s, top porn stars were making $3,000+ just for a boy/girl scene. Performers these days don’t even make half of that most of the time.
So here’s some food for thought…how would you like it if you went to work and showed up on Friday and didn’t get paid. It’s kind of the same idea when you pirate porn. If you don’t buy DVDs, join sites and/or pay for downloads/VOD, less scenes are filmed and that means less work for the performers. Another downside is that sometimes studios and directors pay the performers less, because the studios are releasing far fewer movies and earning less for each title released. This situation also affects directors, makeup artists, agents, publicists and many more. Yes, the adult industry is a billion dollar industry, but it’s far fewer billions than it used to be.
The price of DVD has also declined over the last few years. In the past, you could be paying $70 for a one-disc DVD. Now, the average price of a two-disc DVD is $30. Many e-tailers have DVDs on sale for $10 to $20. VOD (Video on Demand) can run you a few bucks for 5 minutes. With prices like that, you should be paying for porn.
So, if you’re really a fan or a true purveyor of porn, pay for it! If you Tweet out proof that purchased a DVD or 10, the porn starlets will love you. Most porn stars really do appreciate their fans and have no problem reciprocating. Money definitely does talk and it’s a way to show your true devotion. Brooklyn Chase’s biggest fan buys ALL of her DVDs and Tweets pictures—and, she always responds with a Tweet and will personally sign them for FREE at any tradeshow she attends.
So, I can’t say it enough—save the porn industry and pay for your porn. The future of the industry depends on it.