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Porn Director Vic Lagina Enjoys Man Talk on Ugly on the Inside


On a media tour promoting his memoir, Filthy: The Rise and (Pending) Death of Vic Lagina, legendary porn director Vic Lagina enjoyed some honest man talk on the podcast, Ugly on the Inside hosted by Kirill and Val.

“I loved those assholes! It was one of the funniest shows I have done to date,” says Vic. “Kirill and Val are fearless, and if they ever want me back, I will drop everything for them.”

Vic told Val and Kirill funny stories from his life behind the camera, his favorite movies and adult stars, and on-camera courtesy and hygiene.

You may enjoy the Vic Lagina episode of Ugly on the Inside on YouTube.

For more information on Vic Lagina’s book, Filthy: The Rise and (Pending) Death of Vic Lagina on Amazon.

Porn Director Vic Lagina Enjoys Man Talk on Ugly on the Inside

Filthy! Is the salaciously true story of Vic Lagina – Las Vegas’ most prolific pornographer – which puts him in the running for most prolific pornographers worldwide – and chances are you’ve never heard of him.

Who the F— is Vic Lagina?

The story of Filthy! is the true account of Vic’s front row for seat the explosive rise of internet porn and its endless cast of characters.

Follow Vic Lagina on Twitter at @VicLagina.