The SDR Show hosted by comedian Big Jay Oakerson and radio personality Ralph Sutton welcomed beautiful, bodacious MILF Marcela Alonso to a special Mother’s Day edition of the podcast where three young male fans played The SDR Show Trivia Game with consequences that resulted in femme domination whenever they got a question wrong, and never has failing been so delicious.
“I have been following The SDR Show for a while and was wondering when I’d get my turn with the boys,” says Marcela Alonso. “This was the perfect episode for me! I brought my toys and went at it! I love being dominant both personally and professionally and we all had a wonderful, hot and hilarious time.”
MILF Marcela Alonso has nabbed an XBIZ Cam Award nomination for Best MILF Premium Social Media Star, and you may vote for her here Voting is free, and you may vote daily. Voting ends on Tuesday, May 17.
- Be sure and follow Marcela Alonso on Twitter at @Marcela_luv.